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Welkom bij de Wolfshoeve!
Wolfshoeve is een uitermate veelzijdig en professioneel paardenbedrijf waar elke paardenliefhebber terecht kan.

Wolfshoeve is een paardenbedrijf voor jong enΒ  oud, van amateur tot topsporter.

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21 hours ago

Transformation Tuesday. Khaleesi v/d Wolfshoeve, Elite, Intermediaire I, Danone I x Future x Democraat as a 3-year old and as a 9 year old, last year with Transformatio. ... See MoreSee Less

Transformation Tuesday. Khaleesi v/d Wolfshoeve, Elite, Intermediaire I, Danone I x Future x Democraat as a 3-year old and as a 9 year old, last year with @brechtdhoore.Image attachment

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Both are looking amazing

2 days ago

Maxima v/d Wolfshoeve (Diamond Hit x Future x Democraat x Uniform) Ster D-OC, got her KWPN sports certificate in the Z2 class last week with @regisbrocatus in the saddle! She is a very impressive and expressive mare! Halfsister to Small tour mare Khaleesi by Danone I.

Her first offspring by our own Let's Go is recently started under saddle by Regis and has the same expressive uphill tendency as his mum! It will be exciting to see what the future holds for Maxima as a fulltime mom!

Good work from the whole Wolfshoeve team for getting Maxima ready 🫢 thanks guys & girls!

#wolfshoeve #kwpn #antares #stablegear #horsemolen #broodmare
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Maxima v/d Wolfshoeve (Diamond Hit x Future x Democraat x Uniform) Ster D-OC, got her KWPN sports certificate in the Z2 class last week with @regisbrocatus in the saddle! She is a very impressive and expressive mare! Halfsister to Small tour mare Khaleesi by Danone I. 

Her first offspring by our own Lets Go is recently started under saddle by Regis and has the same expressive uphill tendency as his mum! It will be exciting to see what the future holds for Maxima as a fulltime mom! 

Good work from the whole Wolfshoeve team for getting Maxima ready 🫢 thanks guys & girls! 

#wolfshoeve #kwpn #antares #stablegear #horsemolen #broodmareImage attachmentImage attachment

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Nice work and i never knew Khaleesi was her halfsister but they both great and good horses 🀩πŸ₯³

2 days ago

At the beginning of May we expect a foal from Mary Poppins v/d Wolfshoeve and O’Frederic. Mary Poppins is a star IBOP dressage SPORT dressage D-OC mare by DreamBoy x Rousseau x Partout x Sultan x Amor, and she is therefore a half-sister of the Heavy Tour horses INXS v/d Wolfshoeve (Everdale) and Guinness v/d Wolfshoeve (Don Schufro) and the Small Tour horse and BWP approved stallion Let’s Go v/d Wolfshoeve (Wolfshoeve’s Go on Top). Mary Poppins is a very noble mare, but could be a little longer lined and have a more beautifully shaped neck when standing. That’s one of the reasons we chose O’Frederic. He has an impressive and correct type with a very nice forehand. Furthermore, O’Frederic has a very good attitude and a lot of calmness in his work. This can suit the sensitive Mary Poppins who has a very active and powerful use of the hind legs. ... See MoreSee Less

3 days ago

Miss Blanche Sollenburg was covered last year with Hexagon’s Mr Magnum, the Expression x Valdez x Johnson son. Mr Magnum was already a striking horse as a 4-year old with a lot of groundcover and suppleness in movement. As a 6 year old he was again very succesfull in the PAVO Cup, both under his regular rider as under the test rider. He is very dynamic and also shows the right go under Thamar Zweistra. In 2024 Mr Magnum obtained the 5th place at the World Championships for Young Horses (7 years old). Thamar is very succesfull now at Small Tour Level with him. Miss Blanche herself has a strong top line and a very active and strong hindleg. She already has two offspring (by Johnny Depp and Va Bene) who move with power, cadence and shoulder freedom. The combination with Mr Magnum should be able to capture the suppleness of Vivaldi with the sturdy Vincent behind it in Miss Blanche and with the blood of Johnson in the third generation of Mr Magnum the final goal of Grand Prix is certainly coming closer . ... See MoreSee Less

Miss Blanche Sollenburg was covered last year with Hexagon’s Mr Magnum, the Expression x Valdez x Johnson son. Mr Magnum was already a striking horse as a 4-year old with a lot of groundcover and suppleness in movement. As a 6 year old he was again very succesfull in the PAVO Cup, both under his regular rider as under the test rider. He is very dynamic and also shows the right go under Thamar Zweistra. In 2024 Mr Magnum obtained the 5th place at the World Championships for Young Horses (7 years old). Thamar is very succesfull now at Small Tour Level with him. Miss Blanche herself has a strong top line and a very active and strong hindleg. She already has two offspring (by Johnny Depp and Va Bene) who move with power, cadence and shoulder freedom. The combination with Mr Magnum should be able to capture the suppleness of Vivaldi with the sturdy Vincent behind it in Miss Blanche and with the blood of Johnson in the third generation of Mr Magnum the final goal of Grand Prix is certainly coming closer .Image attachmentImage attachment
1 week ago

Numirell v/d Wolfshoeve (Diamond Hit x Donnerhall x Rubinstein I) is now a Kwpn Sports predicate mare! πŸ₯‡Out of the Rudilore damline and halfsister to our Bones, Numirell sure has exciting genetics!

It was a true team effort; she was previously trained by our former rider @jasmijndenherder, the last weeks by our rider @stefanochesi12, unfortunately Stefano was not available to ride Numirell at our homeshow to get the score for her KWPN sports certificate at Z2 level. So very last minute @dominiquedhvdh decided to start Numirell herself. It was a month ago she had ridden Numirell last and in total this was her 4th ride on her, so it seemed quite a challenge. Nonetheless Numirell showed a very smooth test and scored 65% and won the Z2/ZZL class πŸ‘ŒπŸ₯‚

Thanks to @jytte_neefs & @siiriligthart & @ryandderaeve for making her shiny and showready! ✨️ next up a post for our other rider @regisbrocatus who also showed one of our mares! πŸ˜ƒ

Numirell is owned by The Syndicate @marjantimmerman @pieter.vanderhorst.1 @annemiekevanderhorst @brechtdhoore @dominiquedhvdh

#wolfshoeve #antares #stablegear #horsemolen #dressage
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Numirell v/d Wolfshoeve (Diamond Hit x Donnerhall x Rubinstein I) is now a Kwpn Sports predicate mare! πŸ₯‡Out of the Rudilore damline and halfsister to our Bones, Numirell sure has exciting genetics! 

It was a true team effort; she was previously trained by our former rider @jasmijndenherder, the last weeks by our rider @stefanochesi12, unfortunately Stefano was not available to ride Numirell at our homeshow to get the score for her KWPN sports certificate at Z2 level. So very last minute @dominiquedhvdh decided to start Numirell herself. It was a month ago she had ridden Numirell last and in total this was her 4th ride on her, so it seemed quite a challenge. Nonetheless Numirell showed a very smooth test and scored 65% and won the Z2/ZZL class πŸ‘ŒπŸ₯‚

Thanks to @jytte_neefs & @siiriligthart & @ryandderaeve for making her shiny and showready! ✨️ next up a post for our other rider @regisbrocatus who also showed one of our mares! πŸ˜ƒ

Numirell is owned by The Syndicate @marjantimmerman @pieter.vanderhorst.1 @annemiekevanderhorst @brechtdhoore @dominiquedhvdh 

#wolfshoeve #antares #stablegear #horsemolen #dressageImage attachment

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Super blij mee en heel goed gepresenteerd πŸ‘Œ

Heel knap πŸ‘πŸ˜



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